Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Deadline Extended! Journal of Speculative Philosophy Royce Centennial Issue

Deadline Extended! 
Call for Papers Journal of Speculative Philosophy Special issue on the work of Josiah Royce

The works of Josiah Royce have never enjoyed the same level of attention as those of his peers. Yet, a century after his death, Royce’s unique theories about community, inquiry, and loyalty are enjoying unprecedented attention in the American philosophical community. It seems that these theories have much to offer in an increasingly interconnected global community that’s daily redefining how people relate to one another. However, Royce’s works never envisioned the structures of power and identity at the foundation of contemporary scholarship.

Now, in honor of the centennial anniversary of Royce’s death, the Journal of Speculative Philosophy invites submissions for a special issue dedicated to the theme “Re-Imagining Royce for the Next Century.” Submissions may address how some aspect of Royce’s philosophies relates to, or must be read differently in light of, contemporary theories about race, gender, power, privilege, and oppression. Other topics of interest include how Royce’s work could operate in a global context where issues like climate change, economic development, health epidemics, and the internet provide new opportunities for and barriers to building and expanding communities.

This call for submissions is open to scholars at any stage of their academic career, from graduate students to established scholars. Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length.

Submissions should be emailed to by February 22, 2016. Please prepare your submission for anonymous review.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016 JRS Election!

JRS needs to elect a President, a Vice President/President Elect and two At-Large Representatives in 2016. If you know of a member of JRS who might like to serve in one of these positions, please share his or her name with the chair of the nominating committee by e-mailing no later than Sunday, January 31, 2016. Self-nominations are welcome. For the duties associated with each position, please refer to the JRS Constitution and Bylaws.

Friday, January 8, 2016

REMINDER: JRS at APA Eastern, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington D.C.
Saturday, 01/09 *11:15 AM-01:15 PM*
The Josiah Royce Society
Chair: Daniel J. Brunson (Morgan State University)


Robin Friedman (Independent Scholar)
“Royce, History, and the Nature of Philosophy”

Tanya Jeffcoat (University of Central Arkansas)
“Roycean Loyalty, Diversity, and Conflict Resolution: Building Communities in a Multi-ethnic, Multi-racial Society”

Dwayne Tunstall (Grand Valley State University)
“An Unlikely Champion of Royce’s Wise Provincialism”