Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Talk by Professor Randall Auxier!

The Josiah Royce Society
Nevada County chapter


"Between Heaven and Earth:
The Progress of the Beloved Community."

A talk by Professor Randall Auxier
Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University

The talk will be about the religious background of Josiah Royce's family and how it affected his thought, specifically the utopian ideas in the part of New York they came from before journeying to California. These ideas will be explored and compared with John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim's Progress” and formed the roots of the idea of beloved community in Royce’s works.

Monday June 8th 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church
235 S. Church Street, Grass Valley, CA

The Josiah Royce Society was established in 2003 to encourage the study of the life and work of the American philosopher Josiah Royce. He was born in Grass Valley in 1855. He died in Cambridge, MA,  in 1916 after an illustrious career as Harvard professor and international speaker. 

“Our fellows are known to be real and have their inner life, because they are for each of us, the endless treasury of more ideas.  They answer our questions, they tell us news, they make comments, they pass judgments, they express novel combinations of feelings and they relate to us stories, they argue with us, and take counsel with us…Our fellows furnish us with the constantly needed supplement to our own fragmentary meaning.”

JOSIAH ROYCE, The World and the Individual, II
                                                                        (written in 1899 and 1901)

For further information:
Robin Wallace--530/265-9397
Iven Lourie--530/277-5380 (cell)