Josiah Royce Society Meeting at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting, February 20-23, 2019, Denver, Colorado.
The Royce Society will hold an affiliated group meeting at the APA Central Meeting in Denver, February 20-23, 2019. We now open a Call for Papers. Papers on the work of Josiah Royce, his influence on other thinkers, and his relevance to contemporary issues are welcomed. Papers from junior scholars and advanced graduate students are encouraged.
This session will include two or three paper presentations and possibly brief commentary on each presentation. Papers should be able to be read in c. 25 minutes (c. 3000 words).
Please prepare your paper or abstract for anonymous review, and attach a separate document with the paper title, author name, and contact information.
Full program information must be submitted by October 1, 2018. Thus, the deadline for submission of papers is midnight, Friday, September 7, 2018. Submissions are to be emailed to Decisions on which papers are accepted will follow in seven to ten days.